Prep Your Honda for the VA Summer

Prep Your Honda for the VA Summer
Get your maintenance done here at CMA’s Honda of Winchester!
For many Honda owners in Virginia, the start of Summer means the start of travel season! There is nothing quite like a road trip as you can cruise with the windows open and let your hair down. While drivers are understandably excited for the summer months and that much-needed vacation, things can get sour if you find that your Honda has broken down! How can you assure that your Honda will be ready to go during the summer months and get you to where you need to go? That’s where we here at CMA’s Honda of Winchester come in! Continue reading down below as we provide you with a maintenance checklist to keep your Honda running all summer!
Check your A/C
Nothing can be more disappointing than getting behind the wheel of your car, turning on the ignition, only to find that your air conditioner isn’t working. This can put a damper on any road trip plans as summers in Virginia tend to get incredibly hot and muggy. If you find that your air conditioner isn’t working or not working as well as it should, then be sure to make an appointment with our highly skilled technicians here at CMA’s Honda of Winchester, who will be glad to take a look at your A/C and fix it for you!
Get your air filter changed
While the winter months here in Virginia tend not to bring in a ton of snow, we get cold temperatures during the winter months, leading to a clogged air filter. A clogged air filter can lower your gas mileage which can seriously hamper your road trip, and nobody needs that. Different air conditions, such as salt on the road in the winter, can increase your need for a new filter. Our technicians at CMA’s Honda of Winchester can change your air filter before heading out on your road trip this summer and let you know when you need to come back in.
Have your tires checked
Every driver has been there. You are crusing downtown in your Honda completely carefree when you suddenly get a flat tire! Don’t let this happen to you or your Honda this summer! Something simple like having underinflated or overinflated tires can cause you problems when you are out on the road. You’re also going to want to check the sidewalls and tread for any signs of damage. At CMA’s Honda of Winchester, our expert technicians will rotate your tires and check your alignment. If you need a brand new set of tires for your trip, we can provide you with a new set as well!
Get an oil change
Changing your oil before you go on your summer excursion will allow you to keep your gas mileage low, ensure your Honda is running at maximum efficiency, and reduce a ton of wear and tear on your engine. Oil changes are one of the most overlooked things for vehicle maintenance, and believe us when we tell you, getting regular oil changes is exceptionally vital to the health of your Honda! Stop by CMA’s Honda of Winchester today, and not only will we change your oil, but we will let you know how often you need to stop by to have it changed.
Check brakes and battery
Having your brakes run smoothly is extremely important! You need to make sure your Honda will stop when you need it to before heading out for the summer. Our team will be happy to check your brakes, even if you’ve had no issues with squealing or squeaking, to ensure you will be safe on the open road. In addition, the hot weather can take a toll on your battery, so it’s crucial that you keep it in the best condition possible. The best way to do this is to keep your battery clean! Our experienced staff here at CMA’s Honda of Winchester will check the cleanliness of your battery and make sure that it is in good working condition and replace it if necessary.
Schedule Honda Service at CMA’s Honda of Winchester
If you need Honda service before the summer starts, then make an appointment with our experts here at CMA’s Honda of Winchester! Our highly skilled technicians will go over every inch of your vehicle to ensure that it’s in working order for those summer months. You can make an appointment by heading down to our dealership and doing so in person or by filling out an appointment form here on our website! We look forward to seeing you and working on your Honda here at CMA’s Honda of Winchester!